During play crouch down (joystick down)and pause the game. Now while still crouched down hold 'Ctrl' and the 'Help' key until the screen shakes. You'll now receive infinite lives and you can jump to any level by pressing 'F1' - 'F10' and '1' - '5'. It also enables these keys:

'F1-F10'----------------------Level select
'1-5'--------------------More level select
'RETURN'------------------Shake the ground
'S'----------------------------Plays sound
'UP CURSOR KEY'--------------Sound minus 1
'DOWN CURSOR KEY'-------------Sound plus 1
'HELP'--Toggle one and two button joystick
'M'---------------------------Toggle sound
'SPACE'--------------------Not really sure
'CTRL'---------------------Toggle fly mode

With Invincibility you can move the guy anywhere using the mouse. When you have him in the desired position press 'CTRL' again to release him. The right mouse button also acts as a pause.


The best way of killing things, wherever possible, is the battle strike. You know, the aerial move where you push the joystick up, press fire, then pull the joystick down. Apart from looking rock hard (and thus impressing any of your friends who are watching) it also takes more hit points off the baddies and kills them quicker.

There are platforms in the game that you can make swing higher by the following method: Move the joystick downward when the platform is moving downward. Release it immediately when it goes up. If the platform has a very low altitude, use very short joystick strokes to get it moving again.


If you check out all the following hidden bonuses you should have enough lives and energy to complete the game without any problems. Because you'll probably be able to find a few of them by yourself, only the less obvious and most well-hidden ones are described here:


On the first 60 degree slide (the ones so steep that you can't go up again) you can get onto a leaf if you jump in time. From there you can reach the leaf with the two crystals on it. Jump up even further to the highest leaf, jump straight up into the air and wait approximately 10 seconds. After a while a beetle appears which you can jump on to take you up to a massive bonus area which contains loads of energy crystals and two extra lives.

Just in front of the exit of the first level there is a chasm which you are supposed to jump over. Let yourself fall down there and steer to the right (to the left in Hard mode). Here you'll be able to access another bonus area.


This isn't hard to get through as long as you're careful. The giant insect can be done away with easy enough. Crouch down right next to it, and when the spider is launched from its hide take a sweep kick at it to finish it off, then immediately jump up and do an overhead swipe on the giant insect's head (by pushing the joystick up and keeping the fire button pressed). Repeat this move and it should be finished off.

The spiders on the floor can be dispensed with using crouching side kicks or the battle strike, while the ones on the roof need to be finished off with jumping upper swipes. Treat the final insect just like the first and you'll be sorted.

LEVEL 3: Second Swamp Level

At the beginning of the level there is a 30 degree slope which leads to a 60 degree slide. Go back to the clump of thorns, run down the 30 degree slope to get as much speed as possible and make a wide jump to the right from the edge of the platform at the top of the 60 degree slide. You should land on a leaf again. From here you can jump further and reach stacks of bonuses to the right, after destroying a few nasties.

Note: Some of the destructible plants are in the floor in this level and also in the fifth level. Remove the plants with the downward fighting jump (the battle strike) and let yourself fall down into some minor bonus caves.

LEVEL 5: Third Swamp Level

Here you are able to get the second sword before you need to. At the start you're standing in front of the exit of the second spider cave. Go to the left until you appear to have reached the end of this platform, and can see only water to the left. Take a run and jump to the left now. Before you can fall into the water, a leaf will appear right under your feet. Phew! Make another one of these suicide jumps to the left. Another leaf appears. From here you can reach a small cave containing an extra life and the stronger sword.

LEVEL 6: First Ancient City Level

There are plenty of one-ups (extra lives) at the first tower that you encounter (to the right after the start of the level). Kill the swarm of insects. Note the row of steadily hovering insects to the right. By using the downward fighting jump several times, you can use the insects as jump pads to get to the right. Valdyn can climb up the golden roofs of the towers. Try to get on the roofs as often as possible, as many of them (surprise, surprise) give access to bonuses.

LEVEL 7: Second Ancient City Level

After the beginning of this level there's a long 45 degree slope. Use it to get up speed and perform a huge leap to the right at the end of the slope. Aha! Further to the right you encounter your first swinging platform, which is already swinging. Use it to get higher and higher until you can reach the tiny platform above. The third sword waits for you there. A few screens to the right (after those nasty fire chains) there is a tower with a fire chain at the bottom. Get to the right edge of the platform and let yourself fall down to the right.

Surprise! A swimming platform. Get the one-ups and stuff from here and you're doing well. Secret Level: The strongest sword can be found here, again before you need it. There's a place in this level where you have to handle moving spikes with a stone-ball thrower just behind them.

Instead of climbing up to avoid the danger, try to get past the generator and let yourself fall down to the right. Use the hovering ghost as a jump-pad just as you did with the insects in level six and get it.